Press (Page 2)
Jan 22 2025 - Maureen Tuthill
Retribalizing on the city platform
Peter Hirshberg sees Marshall McLuhan everywhere. In a career that has included a long stint in Silicon Valley, a foray into the cosmetics industry, a reimagining of the social media world, and an engagement with smart cities, he’s applied McLuhan throughout his life. Fifty years ago, McLuhan described technology as an extension of the self that enabled us to reach beyond our physical bodies into a space where we interact with the world. Today, we call this space the platform, and while we debate over how to define it, Hirshberg says, “McLuhan’s already been there.” Hirshberg has been thinking about the platform ever since his days at Dartmouth in the ‘70s, when he first encountered computers as a tool for time-sharing. “You could actually see the seeds of social media,” he recalls. One college professor insisted, though, that “computers are for computing,” by which he meant that computers should solve the old problems of accounting, engineering and math in sped-up ways, but using computers for some form of personal communication was a really silly waste of resource.Read More →
Jul 5 2013 - Gillian Tett
Gillian Tett: The art of Big Data
Some artists are starting to blend statistics, computer graphics and visual design into a new creative pastiche
A couple of years ago R Luke DuBois, a New York composer and artist, joined a clutch of American dating sites. He was not, however, looking for love. Instead, DuBois scooped up data about the words that would-be lovers used to describe themselves online. Then he fed the information into a computer, which identified the most popular phrases used in different locations of America, and superimposed these results on to maps to create a new type of “art”. “I have an abiding interest in using information to investigate emotional value and the way that we are connecting [to each other],” DuBois earnestly explained to an audience at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado last week, clad in the geek’s garb of black T-shirt and jeans. Or as Peter Hirshberg, the head of Re:Imagine, the consultancy, added, “What [people like DuBois] are doing is trying to convey the secret life of data in a way that is elegant and exciting … we have gone from a very literal view of data to a very emotional view.”Read More →
May 21 2013 - Sarah Murray
Smart cities: Urban areas set to be test beds
The internet of things has the power to transform the way cities function. Elements of city infrastructure – whether lamp-posts or water pipes – can be hooked up to sensors that wirelessly generate data that can be used to inform decision makers and monitor real-time changes in the world around us. This data could be used to anticipate problems or peaks in demand for city services, such as monitoring car parks and the number of disabled people trying to use civic amenities. Given shrinking municipal budgets, increasing demand for services and pressure to cut humanity’s environmental footprint, the ability for municipalities to control existing infrastructure – and, by doing so, to improve efficiencies – will be critical. Indeed, urban developments have the potential to become laboratories for the creation of so-called smart city technologies.Read More →
May 20 2016 - Andrew Keen
Keen On… Peter Hirshberg: Why Smart Entrepreneurs Should Care About Smart Cities
Last week, representatives of many of the world’s leading cities – including London, Boston, Mexico City, Barcelona and Christchurch – came to San Francisco to learn from Silicon Valley entrepreneurs about how to make their cities smarter. One of the people behind this LLGA Cities Summit was the Silicon Valley entrepreneur Peter Hirshberg, formerly the chairman of Technorati and now one of the world’s leading pioneers of smart cities.Citing innovative urban data startups like MotionLoft and QuickPay, Hirshberg believes there are now huge opportunities for entrepreneurs with products that can make a city smarter. We are just at the beginning of this thing, he told me, before explaining that the biggest entrepreneurial opportunities lie in the development of crime, healthcare and traffic data – particularly in terms of making this data “predictive”. But smart cities are about more than just making money, Hirshberg believes. In the Sixties being a citizen meant we protested, he told me, while today the good citizen builds APIs that make a city more habitable. And that’s why, he insists, we have to make what he calls “smart architectural decisions” to enable the right level of anonymity in the 21st century city. Otherwise, he warns, the smart city of the future will be too smart about all of us, thereby destroying the privacy of its citizens.